design, fractions, fraction cardsAbstract
Proper fractions are one of the important topics in elementary school mathematics education. A strong understanding of the concept of proper fractions is very important for learners, as this concept serves as the foundation for understanding various advanced mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions. This research aims to determine the design of fraction card learning media on the topic of simple fractions and to measure how far this media can help in understanding the concept of fractions. This research uses Research and Development (R&D) aimed at helping students understand the concept of fractions. The subjects of this research are several educators from Sukadana Timur Public Elementary School. The data analysis technique used is a questionnaire as a design feasibility test. The results of the research on the "GLASS" fraction card learning media design developed obtained an overall percentage of 95.25%, categorized as very feasible. This shows that the design of the "GLASS" fraction card learning media is suitable for use as a learning media design for fraction material, especially simple fractions. Therefore, it can be concluded that the "GLASS" Fraction Card learning media is very suitable for use as a learning media for fraction material, particularly simple fractions in mathematics subjects for third-grade elementary school students.
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