Author Guidelines

Author Detailed Instructions and Guides for Considering Sending a Manuscript 

Please pay attention to the guide below when you are going to write. Manuscripts that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to the author for correction, which may cause significant delays in the publication of your work. 

All text must: 

1. Article in Indonesian or English. 2. Abstract consists of a maximum of 150 words and 3-5 keywords. 3. Presentation contains 4000-6000 words with A4 paper size, left, upper, right, and lower margins are 2.54 cm, printed with Book Antiqua 11 pt, 1.5 lines spacing. Documents can be 12 pages or more, with a maximum of 20 pages including numbers and tables. 4. The maximum title is 16-18 words, followed by the author's name using large letters. 

Write the author's identity on the title page that contains the name (without title). The name of the institute, the address of the institution (with the postal code), the telephone number of the agency, and the email of the author are placed under the abstract in the form of footnotes. 7. In the introductory section (contains a background of issues that outline why the topic deserves to be researched, also involves GAP analysis research, focusing problem formulation, research objectives, expected research benefits, and theoretical foundations). (adding bibliographic lists and necessary citations). The quotation source is inserted into the text and placed on the shelf with the author's name, year of publication, and page. 

Example: (Luther, 1994: 34) Chapter 12 is written in large letters, lines left without numbers. 

Examples: Research Methods 13. Sub-sections are written at the beginning of the word, lines left without numbers, and do not use numerical approvals. 

Example: Conceptual Design 14. Numbers in the text use Arabic numbers if the sequence is required, otherwise, no numbers are required

Examples:... as follows: (1) learning availability, expected to be developed through material summary features, pre-requisite material, simulators and discussion among students through the forum; (2) meaning search, will be facilitated by a comprehensive presentation of teaching materials, interactive concept maps and simulator and student discussion; (3) meaningful learning, eventually expected to come through repetition and repeated feedback, links to relevant learning resources available on the Internet, and interactive simulators as well as student discussion. 15. Pictures and tables should be placed as close as possible to the appropriate text. Image files should be included in gif, jpg, bmp, pct, png, format. All images and tables should be accompanied by descriptions and the number of images or tables. 

Example: Figure 1. Model of the learning procedure of the development stage of the puzzle game. 

Table 1: Test results for homogeneity. 

16. Write a list of references alphabetically arranged by the main author (last name in front), the title of the book (italics), the publisher city, and the year of publication. If the source of reference is an article in a journal, the title of the article is specified and the name of the journal is Italian. 17. The manuscript must cite at least 10 articles from each magazine with a minimum indexed by SINTA Indonesia, and the Scopus Index is recommended. 18. The manuscripts are submitted in a file with format.doc or.docx to our website journal. 19. All scripts must be sent through the online delivery system / OJS. Manuscripts sent outside the system will not be considered for publication.